2024 Annual Conference Brisbane - Audiovisual Presentations : [44] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 44
President Address ppt.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024IPWEA-QNT President's WelcomePresident's Welcome 
Ryan Murphy slides.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Conference Official OpeningConference Opening 
Qld Infrastructure Slides.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Queensland Infrastructure OutlookInfrastructure Planning 
Panel Session Slide pdf.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Panel Discussion - Skills and Human Resources, are they keeping up with infrastructure growth and activity.Infrastructure Resourcing and Planning 
IPWEAQLD2024_Venita_AV_Streamlining Efficiency.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Streamlining Efficiency: Standardized Asset Systems for Multi-Client Contracts, improving safety outcomes for the teamAsset Management 
PG-FOR-133 - Proterra Group PowerPoint Presentation V2.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Revolutionising asset management practices for small to medium councilsAsset Management 
Potholes-and-pitfalls-How-to-fix-local-roads-Briefing-pack-1.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Leigh Carnall Director Civiltech Solutions AI and Robotics in mapping your roads.AI Asset management 
IPWEA - QNT Presentation - Ali Shadman 2024.docx.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Enhancing Timely Delivery of Civil Infrastructure Projects: A Methodology Modification ApproachInfrastructure Planning 
IPWEA QNT Conference Presentation_October 2024.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Achieving collaborative practices through asset governanceCollaborative asset management 
Flood Damage Presentation_IPWEAQ_Nov_24.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024LGFP Guidance Paper - Accounting for Infrastructure Damaged by Significant Weather EventsInfrastructure disaster recovery 
M.Shellshear D.Sherriff Mungindi Water Securitypptx.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024The Learnings and Complexities of Cross-Border Projects – Mungindi Water SecurityWater security 
241020_slides_IPWEA QNT conference_Articulous_community engagement.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Engagement, consultation, community relations… The shifting requirements for engaging community on infrastructureCommunity engagement 
20241103_Conference.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Navigating the novel design and implementation pathway of the Amity Point flow slide barrierPathway design 
Remote Data Acquisition A Telehealth Analogy for Infrastructure.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Remote Data Acquisition: A Telehealth Analogy for InfrastructureData aquisition 
Keeping it Real Justin Fischer Shepherd.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Keeping it Real: Using Artificial Intelligence to Deliver Practical Outcomes for Road ManagersAI Asset management 
IPWEA QNT - Zachary FitzChance - Challenges in AI and the Regional Asset Intelligence Group (RAIG).pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Challenges in AI and the Regional Asset Intelligence Group (RAIG)AI Asset management 
Proterra Group - AI for Regional Engineers.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Empowering Regional Engineers: The Cost-Saving Potential of AI in Public WorksAI Asset management 
IPWEA presentation(310352455.2).pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024How to extract more value from your procurementsProcurement 
IPWEA-QNT state conference - McCullough Robertson - Matt Bradbury and Tosca Goldberg v2.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Avoiding Contract Administration Nightmares: Tips for a better night's sleep!Contract Administration 
2024 Deller IPWEAQ.pdf.jpgAudio Visual Recording2024Creating the Safest Intersection in the WorldRoad Safety 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 44