2018 IPWEAQ Annual Conference, Gold Coast (Presentations) : [39] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 39
Michael McQueen Slides.jpg.jpgPowerPoint2018Preparing for What Comes Next: How to Thrive in an Age of DisruptionChange Management; Technological Change 
Plenary 2.1 Jason Stewart - Chain of responsibility.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018National Heavy Vehicle RegulatorHeavy Vehicle Regulator Chain of Responsibility; NHVR 
Plenary 2.2 Michael Pascoe - IPWEAQ 181011 (002).pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Economic OverviewEconomic Overview 
STREAM 1.1 Irmana Garcia Samperdo - Christchurch Earthquake event.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018How to plan for an earthquake event: Essential data collection approaches for underground infrastructure condition assessment- 
STREAM 2.1 Rodney Betts - Flood risk management.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Community Driven Flood Risk Management Planning for Rural Toowoomba TownshipsFlood Risk Management 
STREAM 3.1 Dennis Walsh - safety policy.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018A Road Safety Policy for Queensland Department of Transport and Main RoadsRoad Safety; TMR Policy 
STREAM 4.1 Tim Day - Emerging Technologies Conference Isle Innovation.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Emerging technologies advancing the capabilities of public infrastructureInnovative Technology; Virtual and Augmented Reality 
STREAM 1.2 Brad Keane - Integrated mapping.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Achieving Utility Damage Prevention through an Integrated Mapping and Data Management ProgramEngineering Technology Innovation; Asset Management 
STREAM 2.2 Stuart Grallelis - PUBLIC BUILDINGS FOR POST DISASTER FUNCTION.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Public buildings for post disaster function - structural engineering design experiencePost Disaster Building Desing 
STREAM 3.2 Darren Wishart - Work Driving Safely.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Work Driving Safety: How Well is Your Organisation Managing the RiskRoad Safety; Risk Management 
STREAM 4.2 Dean Ostrofski INFRASTRUCTURE_DELIVERY_-_3D_VISUALISATION_-_IPWEA_CONFERENCE__2018_-_PRESENTATION.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018City of Gold Coast Transport and Infrastructure's integration of 3D visualisation technologies into its planning and Delivery ProcessInfrastructure planning; Project Design 
Michael Kemp Slide.png.jpgPowerPoint2018Geopolymer Concrete - The Future of Wastewater Infrastructure?Waste Water; Geopolymer Concrete 
STREAM 2.3 David Spencer - To Build or not to Build.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018To Build or not to Build. The story of whether to Build a new Library or to repurpose an existing Community BuildingBuilding and Infrastructure Planning 
STREAM 3.3 Andrew Pine - A new approach to reviewing speed limits in Queensland.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018A new approach to reviewing speed limits in QueenslandRoad Safety; Speed Limit Review Process 
STREAM 4.3 Gary Everson - Technology Tried and tested.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Technology - Tried, tested & reviewsTechnology Testing 
PowerPoint2018What Makes an Engineer TodayEngineering Profession 
Plenary 3.2 Dennis Walsh IPWEAQ Presentation.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Transport and Main Roads Community EngagementTransport and Main Roads 
Futures_Lindsay Stafford.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Controlling and Monitoring Algal Blooms in Effluent PondsAlgae Management 
Futures_Maddy Stahlhut.pdf.jpgPowerPoint2018Potential for Energy Generation Using Pumped Storage Hydropower in the Toowoomba Water SupplyPump Storage Hydropower 
Orange Sky Image.png.jpgPowerPoint2018Orange Sky LaundryOrange Sky Laundry 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 39