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Type: PowerPoint
Title: City of Gold Coast Transport and Infrastructure's integration of 3D visualisation technologies into its planning and Delivery Process
Authors: Ostrofski, Dean
Tags: Infrastructure planning;Project Design
Issue Date: Oct-2018
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: The design and construction of sewer infrastructure is a major undertaking for all industrialised countries whether it be replacing existing systems at the end of their serviceable life or new sewer pipe lines. The major engineering design challenge is to provide a concrete material that has the necessary resistance to the immensely corrosive effects of sewage effluent. Wastewater facilities and pipe lines have aggressive environments characterised by: • Effluent with low pH in liquid and gas phases; • Aerobic and anaerobic conditions with oxidising & reducing environments; • Sulphates & chlorides which may be present from industrial wastewater or external ground water. Recent trends in new trunk line sewers of large diameter have seen Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) construction with precast concrete lining segments. Two projects with this method in the Pacific Rim include Singapore Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2 and Central Interceptor, Auckland. While the two projects differ in their overall design approach to providing a 100 year design life for the pipeline, both projects have incorporated a performance based testing procedure for acid resistant concrete (ARC). A proprietary geopolymer concrete, EFC®, developed by Wagners has been included along with other ARC concrete mixes in the test programs for these projects and shows a very high level of resistance. This paper will present and discuss the results of these specialised test programs and the potential application extension to council infrastructure in Queensland.
Appears in Collections:2018 IPWEAQ Annual Conference, Gold Coast (Presentations)

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