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Type: Audio Visual Recording
Title: Boundary Road Extension Project - A new urban transport link, 40 years in the making.
Authors: Hazzard, Rob
Tags: Transport Planning
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: The Boundary Road Extension Project will provide for a new four lane, two-way road along a vacant road reserve surrounded by residential development. The new transport connection has been planned since the 1980s with the majority of the road reserve dedicated in the 1990s. With Hervey Bay’s population forecast to reach 150,000 within the next 20 years, the Project will create an improved east-west transport connection which will cater for growth, limit traffic congestion and take pressure off Boat Harbour Drive, Hervey Bay’s primary east-west link. The approximately $25m Project includes the signalisation of two intersections, dedicated off road cycle facilities and over 1,000 precast concrete drainage components. The presentation will explore the significant technical challenges associated with constructing a project of this nature including land tenure complications, cultural heritage sensitivities, stormwater drainage design and the optimisation of underground drainage networks as well as the significant communication and stakeholder management challenges including managing stakeholders with competing interests and lobby group action against the Project. The Project is planned to be released for tenders in April 2021.
Appears in Collections:Connected Communities

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