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Type: Audio Visual Recording
Title: A01 Sewer Pump Station Upgrade - Large Pump Station Construction in a Constrained Environment - AECOM Australia
Authors: Stroud, Daniel
Issue Date: Apr-2021
Publisher: IPWEAQ
Abstract: The A01 Sewer Pump Station Upgrade project is intended to replace the previous pump station on the same A01 site in Gladstone, Queensland. The project has significant construction challenges including excavation and caisson construction adjacent to the existing pump station and sewage storage infrastructure, and close to nearby businesses. The new pump station includes a 9m diameter by 9m deep well, three new pumps and associated inlet and discharge main pipework, electrical supply and control infrastructure and connection to existing infrastructure. Daniel Stroud is the Superintendent for the construction project, responsible for managing the construction contractor and ensuring that the works are executed within the boundaries of the contract and that the final product is constructed in accordance with the Standards and Specifications.
Appears in Collections:CQ21: Presentations

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