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Type: Audio Visual Recording
Title: Solution-focused Management of Pavement Assets in Tackling the Impact of Expansive Soils for More Cost-effective, Durable and Sustainable Construction using Specialised Geosynthetic Systems
Authors: Kaya, Zehra
Tags: Geosynthetic Pavement Assets
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: Based on field-verification and the experience locally in QLD and globally, the presentation offers sustainable design concepts that can be used by road and airfield asset owners to reduce construction costs and increase asset durability, while also achieving higher operational efficiency through time and process savings on a variety of civil construction projects. It also provides comparative data based on local experience, demonstrating the benefits achieved in asset performance, cost savings, environmental responsibility and operational efficiency. It focuses on applications of specialised geosynthetic reinforcement systems (up to 3,000kN/m) in three different areas as follows: 1. Effective crack mitigation in Asphalt pavements using specialised “Asphalt reinforcement geogrid” system 2. Crack mitigation in Sprayed Seal surfacing using “Chipseal reinforcement geogrid” system 3. Subgrade improvement using “Basal reinforcement geogrid” system with reduced reliance on non-renewable construction materials
Appears in Collections:SEQ/SWQ 2022 Presentations

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