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Type: Audio Visual Recording
Title: Temporary Traffic management Harmonisation by Troy Hansen
Authors: Hansen, Troy
Tags: Traffic management
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: Road trauma is an issue that continues to challenge us, despite our united efforts and shared vision to reduce the road toll to zero. Usually when we think of staying safe on our roads, we think of the drivers, passengers, pedestrians, bike riders, and motorcyclists we share the roads with every day. Roadworkers are often left out of the equation. It is imperative all roadside workers, from traffic controllers to maintenance crews, be safe. It is our duty as road users, road authorities and employers to protect them. Road workers are our family, friends, teammates and colleagues. We want them to return home safely at the end of each day, as do they. Managing the risks associated with providing the optimal level of safety for employees and contractors working in or near traffic, combined with the need to provide a safe road environment for road users, is a significant issue for road agencies in Australia and New Zealand. Although a single national standard has existed in the form of AS1742 Part 3, Austroads recognised that a range of legislation, policy, codes of practice, and guides covering temporary traffic management at road worksites existed across the eight Australian states and territories. Also, training for workers varies in content, duration and the qualifications they receive which are not transferable to other jurisdictions. Similarly, the accreditation and registration requirements for companies also differs. These factors together create inefficiencies and add costs of doing business. In an effort to address these issues, Austroads initiated the Safety at Roadworks project and over the past 5 years has been working with Standards Australia, state and territory road authorities, local government, industry partners, and representative bodies, to develop a strategic program that will improve safety for our workers, consistency for road users and provide best practice guidance to industry. The first of four key project deliverables, the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management was released in late 2019 and will be adopted in Queensland from 1 January 2021. In Queensland, the Department of Transport and Main Roads has been working to develop strong and engaged cohort of champions for change across state government, industry and local government who are currently working together to ready Queensland for the nationally harmonised temporary traffic management standards and methods.
Appears in Collections:SEQ 2021 Presentations

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