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Type: Audio Visual Recording
Title: ADAC: Design XML and Beyond by Adam Johnston
Authors: Johnston, Adam
Tags: ADAC
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: On 1 September 2017, Bundaberg Regional Council adopted the ADAC system for As Constructed XMLs provided by the Development Industry. However, ADAC as the name implies is Asset Design and As Constructed: So why doesn’t our industry provide For Construction XML? With this in mind, Bundaberg Regional Council in conjunction with 12d has developed a system to create ADAC XML files at the For-Construction phase. The next logical question is: if we have ADAC at design and construction where will this process lead? Adam’s discussion tries to address some of these new opportunities and provide a suggestion of where this process may lead.
Appears in Collections:SEQ 2021 Presentations

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