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Type: Paper
Title: Investing for resilient communities
Authors: Scott, Jimmy
Tags: Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: Queensland councils are all-too-experienced in dealing with natural disasters and the havoc they wreak on individuals and communities. Since 2011, over 80 disasters have resulted in claims of more than $16.4 billion for joint Commonwealth State recovery assistance, largely for the rebuilding of essential public assets such as roads, bridges and floodways. From our hard earned experience of disaster events in Queensland, we have learnt key lessons about how we can be more resilient. Underpinning all of our efforts is our recognition that local communities are best placed to know their risks. They are also best placed to develop and implement local plans that can be supported by State and Commonwealth governments. Communities that are well informed, prepared and supported are more resilient and recover faster when disaster hits. This paper explores how Queensland incorporates resilience outcomes into our reconstruction programs. It provides examples of practical investments in resilient communities, including our Betterment programs, the use of innovative tools such as the Repeat Event and Dollars Index, the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund, Get Ready Queensland and the development of Regional Resilience Strategies
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