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dc.contributor.authorRobinson, Sean-
dc.description.abstractThe Isaac Region is ideally situated to provide critical resources to feed power and energise the world. With 26 operating coal mines in the Bowen Basin, 1 under construction in the Galilee Basin and another 5 major projects at various stages of approval it is critical to understand the impact that a resource project may have on road and transport assets. Following the introduction of the Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Act 2017(QLD), Council has had to adapt its assessment methodology and monitoring schedules to incorporate key concepts, particularly around mitigating cumulative impacts.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectTransport Infrastructure Managementen_US
dc.titleManaging the impact of large resource projects on remote local government transport infrastructureen_US
Appears in Collections:AC20: Papers

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