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dc.contributor.authorMurrell, Craig-
dc.description.abstractA lot has happened since the March issue of the journal, including an unexpected pandemic which had a profound effect on our sector and the economy. In response, we launched Public Works TV (PW-TV), an online platform for a discussion of the challenges as they arose. The recordings of the sessions held to date are available in the Knowledge Centre and continue to receive high rates of access. Many thanks, to Alton Twine, Mike Brady, Glenda Kirk, Lydia Daly, A2K Technologies and HUESKER for contributing to PW-TVen_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectPresident Reporten_US
dc.titlePresident Report June 2020 by Craig Murrellen_US
Appears in Collections:President Reports

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