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Type: Report
Title: SWQ Branch President Report June 2019 by Angela Fry
Authors: Fry, Angela
Tags: SWQ Branch President Report
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: What an amazing event in Gatton! 191 delegates – a record branch conference for IPWEAQ – were treated to a strong program of 18 high quality papers. Best paper award winner, Brendan Sippel from Lockyer Valley Regional Council will now present at the Annual Conference in October on the Cemetery Operations Improvement Project. Andrew Johnson was a close second for his presentation on the awardwinning Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (BVRT). Voting was close with four highly commended papers delivered by Peter Reynolds (TMR), Andrew Thompson (Water Technology), Michael Kinion (Somerset Regional Council) and Isaac Kirsch (TMR). It was great to see so many younger members presenting papers, as well as our Ambassador, Maddy Stahlhut chairing a session.
Appears in Collections:SWQ Branch President Reports

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