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Type: Report
Title: Smart Cities Expo World Congress: Study Tour Report by Ashlee Jesshope
Other Titles: Study Tour Report
Authors: Jesshope, Ashlee
Tags: Smart Cities Expo
Issue Date: May-2019
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: IPWEA Australasia arranged and lead a Study Tour Delegation to the Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona in November 2018. This was in conjunction with SCCANZ, ASCA, and Austrade. I was fortunate to be awarded a scholarship from the IPWEA Queensland Foundation to take part in the study tour. Herein this report outlines my objectives in attending, an account of the tour, discussion of key learnings and recommendations which members of IPWEAQ, IPWEA Group and the wider public engineering community can consider for enabling smart futures within their authority area. 1
Appears in Collections:International Study Tour Reports

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