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dc.contributor.authorThompson, Andrew-
dc.description.abstractBeing able to undertake a detailed analysis of flood model results is an arrow in the quiver of every talented floodplain engineer. But how do you begin to analyse model results when you already know the answer? Following the 2011 flood event, a series of waterway crossings were upgraded in a South East Queensland catchment. In 2013, a rural property in close proximity to these upgraded crossings was devastated by flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald. Although no significant property damage was incurred, a large portion of viable agricultural land was eroded. Given the close proximity of the property to the crossings, the landowner alleged that these works were responsible for a change in flood behaviour and, subsequently, resulted or at least contributed the erosion of a significant volume of land. Prior to the 2011 flood event, the creek was traversed in numerous locations by small causeways. Although suitable in low flow conditions, these causeways proved problematic following minor and severe flood events with significant damage to several causeways occurring as a result of the 2011 flood event. Widespread improvement and modification of these structures was undertaken with a standard box culvert arrangement adopted at three crossings in the immediate vicinity of the property. This paper provides insight into the forensic analyses undertaken within this specific reach of this creek. Of particular interest was the impact blockage of culverts had on flow behaviour and how altered flow paths resulted in a fundamental shift in flood behaviour during the 2013 flood event. Given that numerous iterations reflecting blockage did not readily result in a fundamental change in water level, an assessment of change in velocity and bed shear stress was undertaken. The findings of this assessment indicated that not only did blockage of the culverts result in a redirection of flows but the change in bed shear stress and velocity contributed to significant channel avulsion adjacent to the property and the damaged agricultural land. This paper was previously presented at the 22nd Queensland Water Symposium (2018) and won the award for best overall presentation.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectDisaster Recoveryen_US
dc.subjectFlood Managementen_US
dc.titleDude, Where's My Yard? by Andrew Thompsonen_US
dc.typeAudio Visual Recordingen_US
Appears in Collections:SWQ Branch Conference. Gatton, 2019

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