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Type: Audio Recording
Title: Catching Up with the Jetsons: Cities in 2050
Authors: Zsivznovits, Karin (Producer)
Funnell, Antony
Tags: Urban Planning and Develpment
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Australian Broadcasting Coporation
Abstract: Fifty-four percent of the world’s population currently live in urban areas and according to the UN, by 2050 that percentage will increase to around 66 percent. The urban population of the world at the mid-point of this century is expected to be close to six-and-a-half billion people. So what will future cities look like? How will they function and—importantly—how do we keep them focussed on human need? This panel session was recorded at the World Science Festival, Brisbane.
Description: Audio Recording
Appears in Collections:Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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