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Type: Discussion Paper
Title: Section 51: 2018 Versions of Queensland Streets and Complete Streets Funding Methodology
Authors: IPWEAQ
Tags: Complete Streets
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland
Abstract: IPWEAQ has asked Section51 for assistance in obtaining external funding for the 2018 versions of Queensland Streets and Complete Streets Project. This Section51 methodology sets out how will be providing this assistance. To significantly improve your success with funding we will help turn your project into something exciting which will deliver either the Queensland or Australian Government policy outcomes. We assist to make your project ready for funding and we will develop the evidence you required to prove that you can commence immediately, the project can be delivered, and the outcomes are measurable. The evidence includes project planning and comprehensive needs, social and economic assessments against state or national policy. We will prove that your project is investment ready and that it will deliver either the Queensland or Australian Government policy outcomes or preferably both. These are the key elements required to increase your chance of funding success.
Appears in Collections:Street Planning & Design Manual: Supporting Documents

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