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Type: Discussion Paper
Title: Discussion Paper: Review of Queensland Streets and Complete Streets
Authors: Derbyshire, John
Tags: Complete Streets;Street Design
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland
Abstract: This discussion paper has been prepared for the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, Queensland Division (IPWEAQ) The paper provides a review of the IPWEAQ documents, Queensland Streets and Complete Streets in response to comments and criticisms from the local government industry and engineering profession about their suitability for contemporary use. It provides recommendations on a way forward that addresses current concerns about those documents. The opinions expressed in this discussion paper are based on the experience of the author, who has undertaken this work pro bono. They do not represent the opinions of the IPWEAQ or any IPWEAQ representatives.
Description: Discussion Paper
Appears in Collections:SPDM Supporting Documents
Street Planning & Design Manual: Supporting Documents

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