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Type: Report (plus Article)
Title: 2015 IPWEA International Study Tour by Raad Jarjees
Authors: Jarjees, Raad
Tags: Asset Management USA, France and Denmark
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland
Abstract: The 2015 study tour offered a great exposure to best practice, innovation, leadershipand experience from the following municipalities: • Garland, Texas USA • Rowlett, Texas USA • Mesa, Arizona USA • Scottsdale, Arizona USA • Antony, France • La Courneuve, France • Koge, Denmark • Frederikssund, Denmark • Gladsaxe, Denmark Each municipality presented a showcase of their best practice and innovation, ideas in managing and creating assets, funding initiatives, big results in community consultations, plans for the far future, sustainability and green products. The host councils shared their dreams and provided us with presentations and tours to their offices, depots and work sites. There was also a great show of hospitality. We have also visited some tourist attraction places in the cities of Dallas, Phoenix, Paris and Copenhagen. I then went to Gothenburg, Sweden for 2 days to visit the family in law and continue the adventure.
Description: Report
Appears in Collections:International Study Tour Reports

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