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Type: PowerPoint
Title: WDRC Works "FutureFit" Reorganistation
Authors: Meehan, Aaron
Tags: WDRW FutureFit
Issue Date: Oct-2017
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: Facing a massive downturn in revenue due to a decline in resource sector and other sources of funding, Western Downs Regional Council's Works Department has undertaken a major business reorganisation. Through this major reform, the department completely stripped back all of its core business to improve its strategic direction, delivery performance and front line services. Taking a collaborative approach across the organisation at all levels, the department is delivering critical changes and innovation across key elements of its business including people, process, systems, data, technology and governance. This paper will discuss the challenges of reorganisation, implementation and the achievements of the program, including over $5M in operational savings per annum.
Description: PowerPoint Presentation
Appears in Collections:2017 IPWEAQ Annual Conference Proceedings (POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS)

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