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dc.contributor.authorDaly, Alister-
dc.descriptionPowerPoint Presentationen_US
dc.description.abstractThe use of RADAR rainfall data to inform flood risk management and related infrastructure delivery represents a relatively new and innovative approach in the area of water resource management in Australia. While qualitative RADAR rainfall estimates have been available for many years, recent advances in calibrated RADAR provide far more reliable quantitative rainfall data are of specific interest in improving our understanding of whole of catchment rainfall patterns and subsequent flood processes. Such data, when used appropriately, can lead to better and more informed outcomes for Local Government, specifically within the areas of flood risk management and the delivery of cost efficient and robust community infrastructure. This paper discussed the use of contemporary calibrated RADAR rainfall data for water resource (specifically flooding and waterway damage) assessments. It is presented based on several selected case studies recently conducted by the author which graphically illustrate the potential advantages of this technology that are available to Local Government and how they can thereby facilitate more accurate and hence sustainable long-term community, infrastructure and utility outcomes.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectRADAR rainfall dataen_US
dc.subjectFlood Risk Managementen_US
dc.titleImproving Council Flood Risk Management and Infrastructure Outcomes using RADAR Rainfall Dataen_US
Appears in Collections:2017 IPWEAQ Annual Conference Proceedings (POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS)

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