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Type: Audio Visual Recording
Title: ADAC V5.0 Launch
Authors: Moore, Darren
Tags: ADAC V5.0
Issue Date: Oct-2017
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: Darren Moore is the Asset Management Program Leader for Logan City Council’s water business. He has over 17 years of local government experience in service-centric asset management and business process development. Darren launched his first Company at age 20 and has owned and managed a number of successful technical and creative enterprises over a twenty five year period. He is the present State Chair for IPWEA Queensland, Asset Design and As Constructed (ADAC) Strategic Reference Group and has championed the development and industry drive towards high quality, spatially accurate asset information standards and systems. Darren Currently leads a collaborative team with a focus on Asset Information and Engineering Standards Management, SCADA and Telemetry, Asset Strategies, and Strategic Asset Management and Maintenance Systems.
Description: Audio Visual Recorded
Appears in Collections:2017 IPWEAQ Annual Conference Proceedings (Audio Recordings)
Digital Engineering

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