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Type: PowerPoint
Title: Transforming Your Business with ADAC
Authors: Guppy, Ross
Tags: ADAC
Issue Date: Oct-2017
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland
Abstract: The last decade has seen a general awakening to the importance of accurate measurement of assets accompanied by the rise of GIS and Asset Management software to assist industry in the sustainable management of assets. In 2001, a group of council members from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland realised this need, and decided to respond. Their goal was to develop a robust framework for the efficient and standardised capture, delivery and use of public works asset data. Spatial technologies were being refined, and accurate, reliable and complete ‘as constructed’ information was critical for daily operational works and asset management forecasting alike. Current work methods of reproducing ‘as constructed’ information from hard copies were no longer viable. The movement of ‘as constructed’ information from developers to councils needed to be streamlined, while maintaining accuracy. The group decided on a number of actions that led to the development of the Asset Design As Constructed (ADAC) data standard and business improvement process. ADAC is a set of tools supported by IPWEAQ that make the exchange of standardised asset information easier between asset designers, constructors and owners This paper explains the ADAC strategic solution and the benefits through a number of case studies.
Description: PowerPoint Presentation
Appears in Collections:2017 IPWEAQ Annual Conference Proceedings (POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS)

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