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Type: Article
Title: InterLinkSQ delivers economic benefits for Toowoomba
Authors: Reynolds, Michelle
Tags: InterlinkSQ
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Queensland
Abstract: InterLinkSQ is a 200-hectare intermodal transport terminal, logistics centre and industrial precinct located 13km west of Toowoomba, Queensland, strategically located to maximise freight and supply chain cost efficiencies. When completed it will offer access to domestic and international markets through modal choice with nearly 3km of frontage to the existing West Moreton Rail line connecting to the Port of Brisbane, direct connection to the Inland Rail alignment, location at the junction of three major highways (Gore, Warrego and New England), connectivity to the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, and a new domestic and international airport.
Description: Artilcle
Appears in Collections:SWQ Branch: Articles and Industry Papers and Presentations

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