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Type: PowerPoint
Title: Pittsworth Water Reclamation Facility Upgrade
Authors: Ng, David
Radford, Brian
Tags: Waste Management
Issue Date: Nov-2015
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) called for tenders in June 2014 to design and construct a new 4500 equivalent population (EP) Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) in Pittsworth, Queensland The existing Pittsworth WRF is nearing the design capacity in terms of flow and this type of plant does not allow for the effluent quality discharge conditions associated with the plant’s operating license to be achieved. The project objective is deliver a safe, reliable, robust and value for money means of treating sewage to the above criteria.
Description: PowerPoint Presentation
Appears in Collections:SWQ Branch Conference Toowoomba 2015

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