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dc.contributor.authorRutley, Andrea-
dc.contributor.authorSteen, Bill-
dc.descriptionConference Paperen_US
dc.description.abstractAn airborne electromagnetic survey for Miriam Vale Shire Council was undertaken to assist in determining the potential availability of viable groundwater resources within the Shire. The survey utilised the Hummingbird system, a combined electromagnetic and magnetic airborne data acquisition system, operated by Fugro Airborne Surveys. URS Australia Pty Ltd undertook advanced 2- and 3-dimensional processing to identify potential areas for groundwater supply. An integrated interpretation incorporating geology, hydrogeology and geophysics was completed and identified three potential areas. This has now enabled Miriam Vale Shire Council to asses the feasibility of these areas for water supply and has also assisted in developing a water supply strategy.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectAgnes Water/1770en_US
dc.titleGround Water Investigation for Agnes Water/1770 Water Supplyen_US
Appears in Collections:Gladstone 2005: IPWEAQ State Conference

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