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Type: Paper
Title: Water-The Elixir of Strife
Authors: Fredman, Bob
Tags: Water Management
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: The theme of the 2005 IPWEAQ Conference, ‘Engineering – See Change’ is quite fortuitous. For some time now I have been thinking that we haven’t had our eyes open enough. I refer in particular to the engineering response to the dilemma of how to provide enough water for an increasing population. We are being bombarded by rhetoric from rainwater tank enthusiasts, recycling enthusiasts, leak detection enthusiasts (exciting people away from work no doubt) all peddling their respective arguments. Conferences have been built around them. But is there something we haven’t seen?
Description: Paper
Appears in Collections:Gladstone 2005: IPWEAQ State Conference

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