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Type: PowerPoint
Title: Taking the Asset Management Process to Regional Queensland
Authors: Adams, Chris
Tags: Asset Management
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: The seachange phenomenon poses obvious demands on physical infrastructure and service delivery that require new and innovative engineering and non-engineering solutions if they are to be met. The growing discipline of asset management provides a set of tools and practices that can be applied in tackling these challenges, but also highlights obligations and implications arising from seachange growth that may not be immediately obvious. This paper explores both the issues and potential solutions that seachange councils may experience throughout the asset management life cycle. These include the impacts on and need for new levels of service, changes to the nature of service and demand from changing demographics, coping with the information management demands of rapidly expanding infrastructure, managing and funding operations and maintenance, and the legacies of developer-supplied infrastructure.
Description: PowerPoint Presentation
Appears in Collections:Gladstone 2005: IPWEAQ State Conference

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