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dc.contributor.authorGardiner, Bruce-
dc.description.abstractIt is less than five months to the IPWEAQ state conference to be held in the north of the state this year. It is challenging for us to get together given the distances we must travel so this is an excellent opportunity for NQ Branch members to connect. Last year, eight of our 25 branch councils were represented at the state conference in Brisbane and we are hoping to see more this year in Townsville, 24-26 October. If you need to submit a letter to your employer or council to support your conference registration, there is a template on the conference website.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectNQ Branch President Reporten_US
dc.titleNQ Branch President Report March 2017 by Bruce Gardineren_US
Appears in Collections:NQ Branch President Reports

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