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dc.contributor.authorRyan, Andrew-
dc.descriptionPodcast Presentationen_US
dc.description.abstractRoads have been fundamental to societal and economic development over the history of humanity. They have always served as corridors for the movement of people and goods and since the industrial revolution, in the movement of powered vehicles. With this has come changes in the scale, functions and impacts of roads on communities. In the past, and now over recent decades, more emphasis has been placed on using roads as places for engagement and community activity, and now we see the emergence of smart cities technologies that create the opportunity for the next major evolution in the design and development of roads.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectRoads and Transporten_US
dc.titleKeynote Presentation: Technology and Transport- From Horse and Cart to Smart Placesen_US
dc.title.alternativeLearnings from the IPWEA International Study Touren_US
dc.typeAudio Recordingen_US
Appears in Collections:SEQ Branch Conference Logan 2017

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