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dc.contributor.authorStemm, Kyra-
dc.contributor.authorEhrsam, Toby-
dc.descriptionPodcast Presentationen_US
dc.description.abstractThe canal system and entrance channel of the Aquatic Paradise Canal Estate, in Queensland, Australia are presently silted to levels well above the intended service levels; restricting the functionality and safe navigation of the estate. Previous maintenance dredging campaigns have been undertaken; however there still remains a need to relieve the bulk of the silt accumulations in key problem areas. This is a common problem faced by local governments and residents in tidal canal estates throughout the South-East Queensland region, and reinforces the need for a carefully planned and sustainable maintenance strategy. The small size of this estate presents a number of unique challenges, which required an innovative strategy to improve the sustainability of maintenance dredging operations. The key to this strategy is the capital dredging of silt storage trenches and the upgrading of the existing silt trap.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queenslanden_US
dc.subjectCanal Developmenten_US
dc.subjectWater Maintenance Strategyen_US
dc.titleAquatic Paradise Canals: Developing a Long-term Maintenance Strategyen_US
dc.typeAudio Recordingen_US
Appears in Collections:SEQ Branch Conference Logan 2017

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16- Kyra Stemm and Toby Ehrsam Aquatic Paradise Canals.mp3mp328.18 MBMP3View/Open
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