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Type: Spreadsheet
Title: NATSPEC BIM Object/Element Matrix
Authors: NATSPEC
Tags: BIM Matrix;Uniformat/OmniClass;LOD;PlanBIM
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: NATSPEC
Abstract: The BIM Object/Element Matrix is a Spreadsheet/WORKSHEET to be used for identifying and tracking BIM information during the project. It depicts Building Information Typologies/Types, when they are relevant, and to what level of development (LOD) throughout a building lifecycle. It is an expansion of AIA Document E202 BIM Protocol Exhibit to support a greater level of understanding of BIM information use. The information is referenced by its OmniClass Table so that the correct table element can be determined, e.g. Facility Type: Construction Entity by Function is Table 11 and Hospital is 11-13-24-11
Description: Technical Spreadsheet
Appears in Collections:BIM Specific Documents

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NATSPEC_BIM_Object-Element_Matrix_v1.0_Sep_2011.xlsSpreadsheet Matrix6.78 MBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
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