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Type: State Conference Podcast Presentation
Title: Lessons from someone who has 'been there and done that
Other Titles: Fireside Chat
Authors: Adams, Angela
Faulkner, Celisa
Tomkin, Ashleigh
Murphy, Patrick
Tags: Scenic Rim;Fireside Chat
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland
Abstract: IPWEAQ member, Patrick Murphy (Scenic Rim Regional Council) will be interviewed by our Young IPWEAQ members, Ashlee Adams (Toowoomba Regional Council), Celisa Faulkner and Ashleigh Tomkins, both of Gladstone Regional Council. Note: Ashleigh Tomkins was our 2015 Young Engineer of the Year award recipient. We’ll learn about Patrick’s journey, the changes he has seen in public works in Queensland, his favourite projects and those he would prefer to forget.
Description: Podcast
Appears in Collections:Fireside Chat

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