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Type: Article
Title: Relationship Contracting: The South Australian Experience A Case Study
Authors: Zuo, Jian
Tags: Relationship contracting
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: UTSePRESS
Citation: Zou, J. 2006. Relationship Contracting: The South Australian Experience: A Case Study, UTS ePRESS,
Abstract: The construction industry has long been accused of poor performance. The confrontational attitude of its members and the resultant adversarial atmosphere has been identified as a major factor responsible for this poor performance. A cultural change is required to remove these barriers and to promote optimum project outcomes. Relationship contracting is promoted as a way to support the shift from the adversarial culture to the co-operative and collaborative culture within the industry and the project team. The Adelaide Convention Centre Extensions project was the first in South Australia to be procure und r the principles of relationship contract1ng. Usmg the case study approach, this paper reviews the form of relationship contracting used in this milestone project. The paper documents the lessons learned from this project and makes recommendations that can lead to improvements for future projects.
Description: 13 page journal article
ISSN: 2204-9029
Appears in Collections:Public Works: Journal Articles and Papers

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